Children's Ministries
Our children and youth ministries exist to partner with parents in providing children a solid biblical foundation so they can grow in their knowledge and love for God. The ultimate goal for these ministries is to bring glory to God by equipping children to be godly men and women. If you have any questions about our Children's Ministries please contact the church office.

Each Sunday morning, nursery services will be available for those who wish to use them. The classroom is split into 2 parts, so that the infants can play safely on one side while the toddlers play on the other. If you have any questions be sure to talk to the Welcome Center attendant. ​
Children older than 4 years old are encouraged to stay upstairs with the rest of their family. We believe that children can benefit from the testimony of their parents' worship and that the sermons preached have value for people of all ages. If you find that you need to take your child out of the service, the service is streamed to the lobby. We also have a family room and a nursing mothers room downstairs, also with streaming access to the sermon.
Wednesday Evening - Faith Family
Experienced nursery care is available for parents who are teaching and attending classes. The age for our Wednesday night nursery is infants to age two.
Preschool - 2nd Grade
This program focuses on the fundamentals of the faith. A significant emphasis is placed on learning the books of the Bible as well as studying the Word of God in-depth and memorizing scripture.
3rd - 6th Grade
Boys and girls in grades 3-6 are challenged to know the truth of God’s Word and apply it as they grow into young adulthood.